
More Than a Phone Call – MEET Your Clients!

In today’s ever-evolving world of technology, it becomes easy to rely on emails, phone calls, Skype meetings, screen-sharing services, and even texts when communicating with clients. They’re the fastest ways to exchange information and ideas so why not, right? Weeeeelll… yes. BUT, by focusing on how quickly you can get through your agenda items, you’ll overlook and undermine the importance of building a strong connection with your clients.


  1. Put a face to their name. And vice versa! So many people work closely with others they’ve never (or only briefly) met. Meeting in person can give both you and your client the opportunity to truly get to know each other.
  2. Small talk is important. It allows you to have a true, candid conversation with your client. In-person meetings will encourage more small talk than a quick phone call, resulting in a stronger, more trustworthy working relationship.
  3. Inflection and expression. Emails and, believe it or not, phone calls, can often result in misinterpretation while face-to-face meetings provide the best opportunity to fully communicate what both you and your client want to say – no “beating around the bush” here!


The frequency of in-person meetings depends on the distance between you and your client. But, in general, these are some guidelines to follow:

Down the street: Depending on how active the client is, meet every 1-2 weeks

Within 50 miles: 1-2 times per month

Within 100 miles: Every other month

Over 100 miles: Every (or every other) quarter

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager