
We’re Not Just Reliable… We’re Extremely Reliable

Welcome back to my Core Value blog! With the winter months in full swing and everyone crossing their fingers for their cars to start, heaters to work, and flights home to be on time, it only seems fitting to discuss yet another important AFFIRM Core Value – Extremely Reliable:

“Being reliable means being there when our clients need us. Who are your most trusted friends? Those who have your back and don’t leave at the first sign of trouble. We’re there for our clients and for each other. With no drama.” (www.affirmagency.com)

Anyone who has ever been a client of any kind knows the importance of reliability. Who wants a doctor who only correctly diagnoses half the time? Or an accountant who sometimes finishes your taxes before April 15? Or a repair man who returns your calls only when it’s convenient for him? That’s right, NOBODY.

We understand people and organizations need questions answered quickly and problems solved completely. That’s why we promise to work hard so our clients don’t need to worry, no matter how big or small their account is. Our media department doesn’t just place buys on a whim; they spend time researching each clients’ target audiences and the best ways to reach them before developing the most strategic, cost effective plans possible. Our creative staff doesn’t try to crank out projects as fast as possible; they ask questions to fully understand each client’s needs and audiences before developing deliverables that will catch the eyes of and resonate with viewers. And, amidst it all, our account staff doesn’t sit back and see where the wind blows; we stay actively involved in every stage of each client project to be sure everything is completed on time and on budget.

We know clients rely on us to achieve their most ambitious goals through advertising, marketing, and public relations campaigns that enhance brand awareness, improve sales, and foster growth. So, don’t worry. We promise to be Extremely Reliable.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager