
We’re Compelling… Compellingly Creative

Earlier this month, I posted a blog about one of our Core Values – Always Responsive. After thinking about it, I realized while many of our clients (current and prospective) know about our Core Values, it may be helpful to explain each and why they made the cut to the Elite Eight (seriously, corny jokes never get old). So, for the second installment of this Core Value blog, let’s focus on Compellingly Creative. Again, from our site (www.affirmagency.com):

Being creative means we always strive for ideas that drive engagement. Whether it’s making people laugh, cry, think, or buy – our work calls for action and changes behavior, leading to positive outcomes. That’s what moves us.

Obviously, a large part of what makes our work so Compellingly Creative is our creative department. They’re a very SMERT group (Steve, Mark, Emma, Ryan, Traci… hehe). But seriously, they are incredible and capable of executing on every task imaginable.

But, our agency’s creativity doesn’t end with SMERT. Our account service, media, and accounting teams work hard to plan and maintain advertising campaigns that creatively and effectively meet our clients’ goals and reach the right target audiences. And, in the event an issue arises, we work to solve the problem in a creative, cost-effective manner.

Ultimately, each person at our agency brings talent, experience, and their own creativity to the table which allows us to provide clients with quality, compelling work that resonates with the right people. That’s what moves us.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager