
Advertising and PR: The Same but Different

Advertising and Public Relations are commonly mistaken to be same thing. While they both definitely fall under the same umbrella when it comes to developing brand awareness, there are key differences that distinguish the two.

Advertising communicates what your brand has to offer via TV, radio, billboards, online banners, print media, and other media outlets. You are in control of the visuals and the messages your target audiences encounter. Placement in various media outlets is guaranteed because it is paid for, which helps to build exposure for your brand.

PR is almost the complete opposite of that. PR is commonly referred to as “earned media.” Rather than paying for placement, the goal is to communicate why a product or service is important by sharing stories with the media. While placement isn’t always guaranteed, the process of sharing stories helps build credibility and develop a relationship with the public.

Forbes contributor, Robert Wynne says there’s an old saying that goes: “advertising is what you pay for, publicity is what you pray for.” Ain’t that the truth! If you’d like to implement a strategy for your brand in 2017, we’d love to help.

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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager