
Facebook page or Facebook Page?

In the past month, I’ve come across two separate businesses with Facebook pages…which is normally great, but these guys are doing it all wrong. They have standard profiles; in other words, you have to add them as a friend in order to see their information.


If you frequent Facebook, you probably know by now that there are different kinds of pages:

  1. Friend profiles – those which you have to physically add, and then they have to accept you, in order for the two of you to be able to see each other’s pages and posts.
  2. Pages – those which are public pages that anyone can see. You have the option to ‘like’ their Page, and there’s no accepting needed on their end.

Whether you’re a business/place, company/organization/institution, brand/product, artist/band/public figure, a form of entertainment, or a cause/community, you’d better be using #2.


Upon setting up a Page, you choose one of the above categories that suits you. Then, Facebook swiftly guides you through a setup process, collecting detailed information about you/your organization, such as your hours, location, contact info, and other biz basics, plus essential details like parking and price range.


Facebook Pages also comes with a whole dashboard that allows you to check on your analytics; see where your ‘likes’ are coming from, message back and forth with clients, connect with other businesses, and even set posts for a later date. AND let’s not forget the Pages smartphone app, making it easy for you to manage your page from anywhere at any time. The best part: it’s all extremely user-friendly.


By utilizing Facebook Pages, you’ll not only connect with your clients and employees, you’ll also have a way to reach potential new clients and employees. Think about it – when you want to know something about a company, what’s the first thing you do? Google them. See if they have a website. Stalk their social media. Get a feel for who they are.


Deborah Budd of Second Wind writes,

“Social media is a great tool for helping new business prospects understand who you are and what working with you might be like. They can get a sense for your agency culture; note which organizations you support or participate in; how active agency leaders are in business associations; and which industries or categories you work in. Yes, your website may share many of those features, but social media is now an expected part of agency outreach. If you’re not making time to do social outreach for your own business, you can’t expect prospects, or clients, to believe you when you claim to have social expertise.”


Budd also suggests that by using Facebook and other social media:

“You get the greatest benefit from any tool by using it correctly.”

“Get a sense for how prospects are using social channels.”

“Share your own content—and other’s—you think may be valuable.”


While Facebook Pages is something I know you could handle all on your own, don’t hesitate to reach out to AFFIRM for your company’s social media needs.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager