
Privacy in the Digital Age

In the wake of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica’s data compromise, as well as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you may have noticed a flood of updated privacy policies surging your inbox or notifications popping up whenever you open an app or website.

Countries in the E.U. are now subject to the new G.D.P.R., which is based on the ideas that companies should ask for permission to collect users’ data and they should only be collecting the information necessary to perform the service they provide. These ethos’ main concerns are on the behalf of consumers and their privacy, in a world where data privacy laws were almost nonexistent. Though these laws were in place for countries in the E.U., because so many companies are global, users in the United States and across the world are now under these privacy protections as well.

But, as digital advertisers use data about users’ online habits to deliver relevant and engaging ads, one may view these policies as bad news for marketers or those trying to reach a specific audience. However, concerns for privacy and increased regulation spell only good consequences for everyone.

Brands, companies, agencies – everyone should be reassured by this news, as privacy makes consumers happy, which is, after all, a main objective. Consumers are the foundation of marketing. Therefore, transparency and trust are all aspects that marketers should strive for in gaining consumer trust.

You also may have seen a few advertisements on Facebook or television coming from Facebook itself. These spots remind us that “We Came Here for the Friends,” a campaign to show that the social media magnet is increasing its efforts to eradicate “fake news’, spam accounts, and clickbait. The ads also reassure that the company is trying its best to protect users’ privacy.

Yes, we all want to reach the perfect audience at the perfect time in the perfect place, which does require some crucial information to make that happen. But making that happen should never be at the cost of invading privacy or turning off audiences.

Editors Note: Some Information courtesy of Popular Science and The New York Times

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Danny Mager