
Even with Social, Consistency is Key

Whether it’s about content, sales, or customer relations, social media has quickly become a large part of any brand’s online presence and digital strategy. Why? It’s a great way to quickly and efficiently build your brand as well as target your desired audience.

But how do you keep a consistent voice across all platforms? And, there are so many platforms, where do you even start? How do you stay afloat? How do you beat your competitors vying for the same sets of fast-moving consumer eyes? Not to mention, messages can be seen and heard in an instant – and spread just as fast.

On the other end of the spectrum, how often is too often to post? How much content is too MUCH content?

The thing is, even with social, consistency is key. Here are a few tips to be sure you’re social is on the right track.


  • Be in the right place(s). There are SO many social media platforms available, but that doesn’t mean every single one is right for you. First, find out where your target demographic spends their time. Then, take a look at where your industry competitors and industry leaders tend to be, and take note.
  • Be visual. This is key: all of your brand identity elements should remain in line with your brand no matter the platform. Use the same logo, same colors, and same filters to ensure your brand is recognizable as the same brand, no matter where you might reach them.
  • Be speaking the same language. As you’re working on a social strategy, keep with the same tone in messaging across the board. Make sure the values you live out in the office are extending through your social media content with the same voice and manner. To help establish content consistency, create a monthly content calendar so you can really lay out what it is your posting and when. This is a great way to help avoid overposting about a given topic or overposting in general. Plus, after a couple of months of solid content planning, you can take a look at your analytics and really see what your audience responds to most.
  • Be starting conversations. ENGAGE! ENGAGE! ENGAGE! The more you engage with your followers, the more loyal they will become and the more you will essentially gain. Respond to comments and messages, follow brands and people that fall within your target demographic. Pay attention to the proper hashtags (again – check out industry leaders). And take note as you move forward so you can see where the traction is gaining.
  • Be focused. When a company starts on social media, there are so many desired goals: gaining followers, getting sales, getting signups, getting website hits, and the list goes on. If you find yourself drowning, take a step back. Refocus and remember that the #1 primary focus of social media should remain simply on brand awareness. Remember you are there to gain a presence in the digital world as an extension of the rest of your brand…which is already established!


With just a little bit of planning ahead, you can be sure your social strategy is on the right track and your brand remains YOUR brand. Not to mention, you’re apt to build some great connections along the way!


Is your brand on social media? Let’s be friends!

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Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager