
Be seen, be heard. Use keywords.

Simply put, keywords are the words, terms, and phrases people type into Google to find your content. However, as we all know, it is much more complicated than that. What if I search “advertising agency” and AFFIRM doesn’t show up? How do we compete against all the other advertising agencies with the same keywords?  You have a better chance of getting your content and material found if you include keywords that are already being searched and are also relevant to your website.

There are different levels of keywords your business needs to be aware of. Head keywords are more broad and general whereas long-tail keywords are much more specific to your industry, content goal, and even location. For example, a broad keyword for AFFIRM would be “advertising agency” but a long-tail keyword would be “Pewaukee transit advertising firm,” which is much more specific to AFFIRM’s skills sets and location.

Keywords and SEO (search engine optimization) are directly linked. First, you should create a list of both head and long-tail keywords for your company to use. Additionally, this list should be revisited every couple of months and reevaluated as the competition for keywords changes. As competition changes, so should your keywords to keep you top of your consumers’ mind. The biggest mistake you can make is only conducting SEO keyword research once. https://www.wordstream.com/seo-keyword

You should be using your keywords throughout your company’s website, both seen and unseen. Keywords should be tucked into the tags of your URL, the H1 tag of the page, the meta description and alt attributes of images, and of course, within the title and body of all content. “Using your keywords in these areas is the most basic way to target content to searches… it is essential to SEO.”


Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager