
Grammar! Part Three + Pop Quiz!

You’ve made it to Part III of the grammar blogs! Look at you go! There’s both good and bad news, so I’ll give you the bad news first.

Bad news: You haven’t seen the last of my grammar and me.

Good news: This is the last of the nerdy grammar survey questions, AND instead of including ALL of the remaining 5 questions, I included only 3 questions plus a POP QUIZ!



Select the sentence you think is correct:

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Call me tomorrow; I’ll have an answer for you by then.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Call me; tomorrow I’ll have an answer for you by then.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Call me tomorrow I’ll have an answer for you; by then.


A – 98%

B – 2%


PRO TIP: Semicolons are used to conjoin two independent clauses/thoughts. This means that both phrases on either side of the semicolon could be sentences on their own. The semicolon brings them together when the two thoughts are separate, but still related. “Call me tomorrow,” could be its own sentence and so could, “I’ll have an answer for you by then,” though since they deal with the same topic, a semicolon can be used between the two.



Select the sentence you think is correct:

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] It’s not exactly clear what its purpose is.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] It’s not exactly clear what it’s purpose is.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Its not exactly clear what it’s purpose is.


A – 86%

B – 9%

C – 5%


PRO TIP: Since “it’s” has an apostrophe, one might jump to the conclusion that it means something is possessive (like in question #2). “It’s” is a contraction for “it is.” Answer B is wrong because the apostrophe = a contraction, so the sentence would read, “It is not exactly clear what it is purpose is.” Moral of the story: when “it” becomes a possessive (belonging to), there is no apostrophe. “The dog wore its coat.”  “It is not exactly clear what its purpose is.”



Select the sentence you think is correct:

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My dog is cuter then yours.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My dog is cuter than yours.

[icon name=”circle-thin” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My dog is cuter then your’s.


A – 2%

B – 93%

C – 5%


PRO TIP: Every time you’re comparing things, USE “THAN”! Better than… Cooler than… More fun than…“Then” mainly deals with sequence and time. (I’m going to the gym then to work.) It’s also used in if/then constructions. (If the bus is on time, then I will take it.)


POP QUIZ! Find the link —> HERE!!

As I said, don’t worry…I foresee more grammar blogs in your future. Until then, test your skills with Sporcle’s grammar quiz, and feel free to refer back to these blogs any time you’re in doubt!

POP QUIZ! Find the link —> HERE!!

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Danny Mager