
How to Deal With Negative Comments On Social Media

As a consumer and a young PR pro, I feel as though I’m always conscious of what I post and how much I post to my social media networks. Should I share this? Is this appropriate? Did I write too much? But I’m not sure most people see both sides of the coin. Social media allows everyone to have a voice…and many times that voice isn’t always a positive one. Negative comments are almost inevitable and learning how to deal with them can play a significant role in how you are perceived as an organization.

Here are tips on what to do (and what NOT to do) when your brand encounters negative feedback on social media.

  • Understand the situation. It’s easy to get defensive when someone is critical of your brand or service. Make the effort to understand where the consumer is coming from, how you can help them, and how you can potentially improve your brand based on this feedback.
  • Respond in a timely manner. The people who are posting their negative experiences are more than likely expecting to hear from you. Be sure to connect, acknowledge the issue, and apologize as timely as possible. A lack of response only creates an opportunity for negativity to escalate.
  • Take it offline. As you respond to negative comments, follow up by providing additional resources. A phone number or email address that someone can contact takes the situation offline while also helping to solve the problem.
  • DON’T delete comments. Being transparent is so important, especially in a time where comments can be seen and screenshotted by everyone. Deleting comments only makes the situation more detrimental to your brand.

Social media is meant to be SOCIAL. If you’re on it, your audience will also be there. Make sure you’re aware of what is being said about your brand and mindful of how you respond, even if it’s negative. If you’re looking for a social strategy, we’re happy to help!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager