
AFFIRM’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

Celebrating the New Year includes watching the ball drop in Times Square, champagne, parties with friends and families, and of course, making a resolution! Our resolutions, whether it’s reading new books or changing major lifestyle habits, reflect what we hope to accomplish in 2022. Enjoy and have a Happy New Year!

Danny Mager: My personal resolution is to continue running and get myself up to half marathon distance and my work resolution is to start using our agency management software Workamajig and all its features more thoroughly.

Laura Monagle: My resolution is to laugh more and worry less.

Steve Stocker: My New Year’s resolution is to get my fitness level back to where it was before my hip replacement surgery and to stay in the present by worrying less.

Cathy Looze: My resolution is to try to take things easier. Relax more and learn to let others help me out.

Amy Opad: Bring humor back into my life and stop stressing about the little things.

Ryan Quade: Sometimes it’s easy to get swept up in the fast pace of agency life. The deadlines, large projects, and need to deliver at a high level. That’s why it’s important to take a deep breath, slow down, and try to interject some fun when you can. Let’s make 2022 a year of fun, for me, and for you!

Traci Brice: My 2022 New Year’s resolution includes three parts. First, keep it clean! I want to keep the inside and outside of my car clean. This includes cleaning out the clutter, vacuuming, and wiping down the dashboard weekly. Second, keep active! I want to sign up for the iFit account with my treadmill and target 8k steps per day. Third, keep it kind! I’ll remember to use kindness in words, actions, and reactions this year. This is at the top of the priority list!

Mark Skowron: This year, I’m entering a new stage in life as the parent of a teenager. My resolution is to just stay alive! All kidding aside, I’m looking forward to all the excitement that 2022 brings. I love being in nature, so I plan to do more camping, hiking, fishing, and exploring! Workwise, I’m excited about continuing to grow our agency’s capabilities for web and digital design, as well as staying on top of the latest trends.

Paula Strandberg: My New Year’s resolutions revolve around freshening up the habits I already have. Instead of listening to podcasts on my daily walk I plan to listen to non-fiction audiobooks, autobiographies, and history. I also want to try out some new recipes from my favorite cooking blogs and reconnect with the friends I’ve lost touch with because of COVID.

Michael Bonin: My New Year’s resolution is to read a book each month. I read a handful in 2021 but 2022 will be my year. I’ve got a handful picked out and am excited to get into them! 

Kelly Mallegni: I keep a running list of goals on a spreadsheet that I update monthly based on my progress. These are separated into categories including financial, physical, and mental. In 2022, a few of those goals include completing three of my online workout programs (Physical), saving for a vacation to Italy (Financial), and reading 8 books (Mental).

Molly Barnes: I have the goal of teaching myself calligraphy in the new year! I’ve never liked my handwriting and decided this is the year to upgrade it. I asked my parents for a calligraphy guide for Christmas and a few pens and brushes.

Matt Froelich: I have two resolutions. My first resolution is to work towards running my first half marathon in 2022 by starting a beginner’s training plan and running some 5k/8k races. My second resolution is to continue booking shows to play my original music in Milwaukee and record a new single early in the year to keep the momentum going.

Faith Benson: My resolution is not to make a resolution for 2022, but to remain in the moment and take each challenge as it arises.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager