
Why Your Business Should be on Social Media

One morning after spending about 30 minutes scrolling through the various Social Media apps I have on my phone, I thought to myself “What am I doing? Why am I spending so much time looking through all the various posts I missed overnight?” – I could have spent this time walking my dog, starting to get ready for work, eating breakfast, etc. It has become a habit that has proven itself, very hard to break, and I know I’m not the only person battling this habit.


I have 4 social media apps on my phone that I will check RELIGIOUSLY every morning, that’s 4 different platforms advertisers could reach me with on any given morning. While I think a big part of the underlying reason to my morning social media routine is to procrastinate getting out of bed, it still provides businesses with an ample opportunity to reach me.

Adweek reported that Millennials spend an average of almost 18 hours PER DAY consuming media and 71% check social media sites at least once per day (more than we watch TV). According to emarketr.com, Millennials have the highest social media networking penetration of any generation. Why would you not want to put your content in front of us? (Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE to do that?). Millennials love getting information, love getting it fast, and we like when companies engage with us on social media.


After taking the dive down the rabbit hole that is my brain, I thought I would see what my co-worker’s social media habits are. I asked them to tell me how many social media platforms they are active on, and their favorite one. In our office (mind you we range from ages 21 – 60 of a 15 person team) we average about 6 social media accounts per person, with Facebook and Instagram being the favorites. That’s pretty significant considering our demographics. So even just taking our office as a whole, and not zoning in on generational reason, that is 6 opportunities, roughly 18 hours a day, that you can reach us. So what are you waiting for?

WE LOVE CONTENT (do you see the pattern here?)

@ me, I’ll be waiting!



Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager