

Did you know that nowadays at LEAST 1 in 4 accidents involve distracted driving? In 2014, there were 22,194 crashes related to distracted driving. That’s one crash every 20 minutes in Wisconsin alone! (Check out this site for more.)

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This year, AFFIRM helped the Wisconsin Department of Transportation launch a new distracted driving campaign, featuring the funny yet frustrating anti-hero, The DISTRACTOR. While the campaign was humorous, it shed some light on distractions that people encounter every single day while driving: texting, using GPS/navigation systems, messing with the radio or other controls, grooming (even shaving), primping (yes, that includes hair and makeup, ladies!), and reading books, tablets, and newspapers, just to name a few.

Wisconsin is not alone when it comes to the issue of distracted driving. Here are some different recent takes on the issue, all with the same bottom line: DON’T GET DISTRACTED WHILE DRIVING.



The Distractor – WISDOT


The Hazards of Distracted Driving – SR-22 Agency


Getting Serious About Distracted Driving – Safe Roads Alliance



Hello – New Zealand Transport Agency



Forever Young – Belgian Road Safety


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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager