

Whether you tune into the Super Bowl simply to watch the big game or because you want to see the most anticipated ads of the year, the Super Bowl continues to be one of the most watched television events.

Check out some surprising statistics from 2019’s Super Bowl ads:

  • Last year’s Super Bowl advertisements brought in $336 million, which doesn’t include pre and post-game ads.
  • Super Bowl LIII had 2 million viewers, which is the lowest it has been since 2008.
  • Across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, there were 3 million interactions on social media about the Super Bowl last year.
  • Last year, Stella Artois “Change Up the Usual” had more than 48 million views, making it the most viewed of the year. The commercial featured Sarah Jessica Parker and Jeff Bridges.



Some fun facts you may not have known about Super Bowl ads:

  • It costs around $5.6 million for a 30-second spot in the Super Bowl. That’s more than $186,600 per second
  • The cost of a commercial played during the game can vary depending on when it is broadcasted
  • There are about 45 minutes of commercials played during the Super Bowl
  • In 1967, the year of the first Super Bowl, it only costed $40,000 for a commercial to run during the game


Check out some of the best commercials from Super Bowl LIV!


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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager