
Spoiler Alert: Pregame Ads

The Super Bowl isn’t just football’s biggest night, it’s also TV advertising’s. People gather for the game year after year, regardless of who’s playing, to ooh and ahh over the entertainment and commercials. (If it were up to me, the Packers and Beyoncé would be featured annually.)

Okay, so I’m generally against watching Super Bowl ads pre-Super Bowl. Yes, that’s right, the last few years, Super Bowl ads are available online BEFORE game day – I’ve been getting them in my inbox for the last two weeks, and USA Today’s Super Bowl Ad Meter, which allows viewers to vote on favorite ads, will be accepting votes up to 4 days pre Super Bowl.

This year is no exception – I have no plans to peep the ads ahead of time (aside from the few seconds of each I saw while retrieving these videos, pinky swear), but ***SPOILER ALERT*** I am about to give away some of the already top contenders. We’ll reconvene after the big game to see who comes out on top!


Squarespace continues to feature John Malkovich in this pregame spot – there will be one in-game to follow:


The first spot to become public this year (January 13) was for Intel featuring Tom Brady:  


Ford’s 90-second ad is set to air right before kickoff:


Mr. Clean gets a modern makeover:


Heinz is after my own heart – they’ve created a petition to make the Monday after Super Bowl a national holiday (extended cut):



Mercedes-Benz celebrates 50 years of their high-performance brand, AMG, in this spot directed by the Coen Brothers:


Skittles at it again, this year with some romance:


Plus, here’s a trailer for Snickers – they’re planning a LIVE commercial featuring Adam Driver (FUN FACT: Schlitz did this with a live taste test during Super Bowl XV in 1981!):


(While technically not during the game, watch out for Hyundai’s ad, which will  be created DURING the game and aired immediately after.)

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Danny Mager