
Which PPC Approach is Right for You (Part 2)

Finding leads and converting them into customers is essential for the health of any business. Though this is no easy task, it can be done with an effective approach to pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. In the first part of this series, we discussed how PPC works, including the different types of ads and how they’re served to prospects. This time around, we’ll discuss different PPC approaches, with information and suggestions to guide you for your next campaign.

As a reminder, there are three main PPC options you can choose from. These include search, display, and video campaigns that can targeted to the specific audience you want to reach. If you need a refresher on these campaign types, including how they work and the types of ads you can run with them, check out the first part of this blog series.

Search Campaigns

Search campaigns are the best option when you’re looking to showcase your ad at the exact point a Google search is made. They appear near the top of the results page for a search query above all other organic results, improving your pages visibility for those keywords. Search ads are effective because they put your web page in the right place, at the right time. They can also be used to generate awareness about almost any type of company. Consider using search ads if your goal is to find new customers, re-establish contact and consideration with a former lead, or generate a conversion at the prospect’s initial point of consideration.

Display Campaigns

Display ads feature an eye-catching image and key messaging around the product or service being advertised. Instead of reaching prospects right at the point of search, display ads are served while prospects are browsing other websites. This works well when the intent is to catch the attention of prospects when they aren’t expecting it with a visual ad. For example, you could use display ads to market a fashion brand by showcasing the visual appeal of the products to a relevant targeted audience. If your goal is to generate awareness with new prospects by catching them while they’re browsing, then display ads are the right option for you.

Video Campaigns

Video campaigns utilize YouTube as a hosting platform. Statista expects the total number of YouTube users in the United States to hit 210 million in 2022, so if you’re looking to broadcast to a large audience, YouTube ads are a perfect option. YouTube ads are equally as customizable as search and display in terms of available demographic and keyword targeting options, but they provide an opportunity to reach people with engaging video ads. This is useful for a wide range of businesses.

Our digital marketing experts can work with you to develop a customized strategy, including optimized targeting, to ensure that the budget for your next campaign is spent efficiently and effectively. Reach out to us at info@affirmagency.com to get started!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager