
Part 2: How to Increase Your Social Media Engagement in 2022

Did you know the average social media user sees 36 ads a day? It can be hard to reach people on social media when they are seeing so much content daily, and that’s why it’s important to continuously evaluate your social media approach and strategies to make sure that they are evolving along with the tastes and sensibilities of the people you’re trying to reach. This involves monitoring all social media efforts closely to understand what is making an impact with people, and then optimizing your content to focus on what is helping your brand win on social. We have tips for you to consider once you have an initial social media strategy developed to help you keep things headed in the right direction!

Keep an eye on shares and retweets

Shares and retweets are an important indicator that your social media strategy is working effectively. Keep an eye on different content buckets that inspire organic sharing among your social media followers and start thinking about how you can tailor monthly posting to best fit the interests of your followers. We recommend engaging with people in your network to let them know when you are posting or making announcements on social media to help get organic sharing started. The more times your content is shared, the larger your reach and the more favorably your content is scored by Facebook’s algorithm, so anything you can do to get things started will work in your favor!

Track your social media page growth

Being aware of your total followers on social media, as well as how this is changing based on content you post and ads you run, will help you optimize content for your audiences. For example, if you notice that you’re receiving more followers when running paid ads around a certain topic, you’ll want to consider running similar paid ads in the future. Boosting posts on Facebook and LinkedIn allows you to place sponsored content in the social media feeds of others that appears the same as regular, organic post, and this can be a great way to reach new users that may follow your page, if they are set up correctly. Ideally, you’ll want a dedicated organic social strategy and paid social strategy, involving paid ads and boosted posts, to maximize your reach and keep people engaged. This includes creating cost parameters to ensure that you spend efficiently within your defined limits.

Perform monthly analyses of social media engagement

Taking the time to analyze the performance of your social media content and discern trends will increase the effectiveness of your social media marketing overall. Try testing different content topics on each of your active social media platforms, and make sure to take note if you notice different content types like video or certain images performing better with your social audiences. This will help you learn what is working best month-over-month and inform future social media strategies and tactics you implement with your audience.

Monitoring and optimizing social media content is a crucial step to take with your social media marketing, and it requires a dedicated, detailed approach to ensure that you’re moving the needle in the right direction. Our team of experts can help you research your social media audiences to create targeted, meaningful content that inspires current fans to engage and new people to follow for more. Ready to get started? Reach out to us at info@affirmagency.com to learn how we can help you!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager