

Wisconsin DOJ Launches DOSE OF REALITY Community Outreach Kits, Expanding Prevention Efforts

(Pewaukee, Wis…October 20, 2016) The Wisconsin Department of Justice has added Community Outreach Kits for Parents, Coaches and Educators to the DOSE OF REALITY campaign website (www.DoseOfRealityWi.gov), furthering Wisconsin’s efforts to prevent prescription painkiller abuse. The kits are the latest addition to an already extensive online ordering portal, which contains all campaign materials that organizations throughout the state can download and use at no charge to help spread the prevention message.  The portal contains materials for businesses, as well as radio and television commercials, print ads, outdoor ads digital online ads, fact sheets, and more. Thus far, over 120 organizations have ordered materials through the portal.

With help from AFFIRM, the Community Outreach Kits were designed to help parents, coaches, and educators learn how to prevent and spot prescription painkiller abuse as well as how to help someone who is addicted. Each kit contains instructions and guidelines for use, posters, fact sheets, talking points, PowerPoint presentations, social media content, and campaign logos.

“Parents, coaches and educators are key influencers for the audience most at risk for starting down the road of prescription painkiller abuse: youth age 12-18. The more we can spread a consistent prevention message, and offer organizations the tools by which to raise awareness of the dangers of opioids and narcotics, the more lives we can save,” said Laura Monagle, APR, vice president of client services and public relations at AFFIRM.

The Community Outreach Kits and more information can be found at: www.DoseOfRealityWI.gov

AFFIRM is a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The agency serves local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and has special expertise providing social marketing, transit, transportation and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit www.AFFIRMAgency.com.


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Danny Mager