
Why Advertising Awards DO Matter

With winter still hanging over our heads, there’s a little ray of sunshine in the form of another season – bright, shiny awards season! A-list stars and other professionals around the globe get all dazzled up as red carpets are rolled out at the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, Billboards, Tonys, and of course, various advertising industry awards.

If you recall Danny’s blog from last March, Why We Still Enter the ADDY Awards, he gave some great insight into why AFFIRM still actively participates in the annual American Advertising Federation (AAF) local Madison ADDY Awards:

“1. Clients appreciate the recognition that their campaigns receive and it’s positive reinforcement to them for their efforts, and 2. Winning awards is great for staff morale, especially for younger creative and account staff who worked long, hard hours to plan, produce and execute a project or campaign.”

Here are a few more reasons why awards truly do matter:
1. Free advertising – whether you win or you’re shortlisted, your name/agency/client/work will gain attention and brand awareness, and maybe even some new business.
2. Benchmarking – While this could be done without an awards entry, it’s a great way to see where you are among your competitors. Check out their work, get some inspiration, see your business from a new point of view – it’s a great way to grow (personally + professionally) and find new ways to stand out among the rest.
3. Continuity – Winning doesn’t stop when you win! You’ll not only gain recognition and a pretty award to add to your shelves, you’ll have something to build off of in the future – merit for gaining new business, new talent, new projects from current clients, and likely more awards.
4. Momentum – The ad industry is one that’s fast-paced, and awards adapt to reflect such. It’s a great way to stay on top of your game (again, personally + professionally) knowing next year’s awards are always looming.
5. Community – Winning awards will naturally build up your agency’s sense of community – after all, a winning campaign tends to be a reflection of great teamwork. You’ll also get a chance to mix, mingle, and network with other like-minded people when you attend an awards event, from interns to industry leaders.


Interested in creating an award-worthy campaign? Give us a call (262) 650-9900. And stay tuned for our awards results in the coming weeks!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager