
10 Tips to Help Keep You Focused at Work

Staying focused at work can be challenging, especially when it’s sunny and 75° with a 100% chance of perfect summer weather all day long. In order to help you stay on track, I have compiled a few tips that I use to keep me focused on my work, and less focused on what I could be doing outside of work.


  1. To-Do lists – These are a major help, I use them daily to help me remember what I need to get done.
  2. Prioritize – Once you’ve made your to-do list, start with what’s most important/time sensitive and go from there. This will save you some stress later on.
  3. Make sure you’re comfortable – Don’t lose time being distracted by discomfort; good back support is a must. Also, make sure your work area is clean and has plenty of room.
  4. Stay organized! – Make sure everything you will need is within arm’s reach!
  5. Don’t let the internet distract you –Set up shortcuts for all routinely used programs; this helps decrease the urge to Google cute pictures of cats…or something similar ?
  6. H2O & Snacks– Keep water and a few snacks nearby so you don’t need to wander to the kitchen looking for snacks! Stay in the zone!
  7. Tune out the distractions – When I need to really focus on something, putting in headphones and playing classical music is a huge help. This keeps the distractions away while keeping my mind focused.
  8. NO SOCIAL MEDIA . While we all love a good scroll through the Twitter feed and checking out your friends’ latest Instagram post, put it away and save it for later! Focus now, social media later.
  9. Set Goals – Determine what you need to finish before lunch, by the end of the day, or by the end of the week. Setting goals and milestones will help avoid falling behind schedule.
  10. Schedule distractions – We all need a break every so often. Set a timer for 5 minutes when you need a break, this is plenty of time to step away from what you’re doing, and clear your mind a little before getting back to work.



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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager