

Wisconsin Department of Justice Launches DOSE OF REALITY Campaign With AFFIRM’s Help

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Statewide prescription painkiller abuse awareness, education and prevention effort necessary to help save Wisconsin lives

The Wisconsin Department of Justice and Attorney General Brad Schimel, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services launched the DOSE OF REALITY: Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse in Wisconsin public education, awareness and prevention campaign today via news conferences in Milwaukee and Green Bay. AFFIRM was selected by the Wisconsin Department of Justice to assist them in the research, strategy, planning and execution of this important public education and awareness campaign. AFFIRM has become a national leader in the development of public sector social marketing campaigns that encourage positive behavior changes, such as using a seatbelt, selecting transit or recycling more.

The goals of DOSE OF REALITY: Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse in Wisconsin are to:

  • Inform and educate Wisconsinites about the improper use of prescription painkillers
  • Warn about the dangers of inadequate storage and disposal of prescription painkillers
  • Inform each audience as to the role they play in education and abuse prevention, from medical providers and parents to high school students and young adults
  • Encourage positive action

The statewide campaign tactics include: targeted media flights over the next 12 months, television ads, radio ads, outdoor, online and mobile ads, print materials for the medical, dental, pharmaceutical communities, website, social media, and an online Pledge.

DOSE OF REALITY: Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse in Wisconsin also includes an online ordering portal so that the medical, dental, pharmacy communities, law enforcement, public health and others may upload and/or customize all the campaign materials (where applicable) at no cost to them. For more information on DOSE OF REALITY: Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse in Wisconsin, visit www.doseofrealitywi.gov.

AFFIRM, formerly Staples Marketing, is a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. We serve local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and have special expertise providing transit, transportation and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit AffirmAgency.com.


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Danny Mager