
Top 5 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

If you’re like most small or medium-sized businesses, starting a website redesign can feel like a monumental task. Fortunately, there are many resources available online; from self-help articles, seminars, and tutorials to experienced digital agencies that specialize in website design and development. At AFFIRM, we’re continually working with both new and existing clients on ways to improve their online marketing efforts, and a week doesn’t go by when we’re not in the middle of a website redesign project.

Interestingly, most companies tend to fine-tune specific areas of their website, without stepping back to develop a comprehensive website strategy based on defined goals and objectives. We help our clients take a macro view of their website, and create a detailed plan prior to execution — which can pay major dividends in the long run.

If your company has an outdated website or if you’re unsure if you need a redesign, here is an overview of the top 5 reasons you should consider a website redesign. It’s worth mentioning that these apply to businesses of all sizes and types but ring true especially for small-to-medium sized B2B companies.

1. Are you committed to updating your website’s design and content?

Generally speaking, if you haven’t redesigned your website in the past 3 years, or if your content isn’t being updated on a regular basis, it goes without saying that you’re ready to make a change. With the ease and efficiency of available website platforms, and the abundance of resources, there’s no reason to hold off on a website redesign. The most important decisions to make are committing to move forward, allocating the necessary time and funds, and finding the right resource to help you through a process that fits your needs and budget.

2. Are you making the best first impression?

This may seem obvious, but if your website appears visually outdated or is structured poorly, how can you expect to convince audiences that you have your act together or are staying current? Your website may be the first time someone encounters your company. If it’s not reflecting your brand, your position in the market, or highlighting your products and services in ways that are positive, then a redesign is overdue. How does your website look on a mobile device? Studies show that more than 50% of internet traffic today is on a mobile device so if your website isn’t optimized for mobile, it’s already at a major disadvantage. A redesign that focuses on simplicity, cross-device compatibility, and overall consistency, will help visitors avoid confusion and hopefully lead to more business for you.

3. Is your content really king?

While the overall look and feel might attract someone to your website, the key still lies in your content. Content and messaging that’s well-crafted, relevant, and informative can help generate brand awareness. Really great content with rich data and visuals will help attract visitors and convert them at each stage of the buyers’ journey by using keywords and search phrases designed to provide relevant information about your products and/or services. The key here is using phrases that your buyers are already thinking about and words they’re familiar with – and more importantly, increase their engagement with your website. This leads to making use of all types of content, from repurposed white papers and demo videos, to case studies and blogs, that will fill the pipeline for months and can boost organic search engine traffic.

4. How easy is your website to navigate?

Is your current site difficult or easy to navigate? Can visitors easily and quickly submit information or download content? Chances are, your current site isn’t leading your customers down the right path. That is, if there’s a path at all. A website redesign offers the opportunity to improve your site structure and the way a user browses through each section to find relevant content. If your current website isn’t making use of breadcrumbs, page headers and titles, active menu styles, success pages, or other devices to tell your buyers where they are, then it may be time to improve their experience.

5. What kind of impact is your website making?

Are you measuring the effectiveness of your website by monitoring visitor activity, page visits, bounce rates, and referral traffic? If not, you should be. If your website isn’t having much of an impact on leads, then a website redesign is the perfect time to start using measuring tools, such as Google Analytics. Adding ways to drive leads with primary and secondary calls-to-action, offering buyers the ability to engage with interactive devices (like cost calculators, surveys, or e-newsletters) are just a few of the ways of measuring the effectiveness of your website. Keeping visitors on your site is also important. This can be accomplished by creating internal links from page to page, and creating a flow that drives visitors toward an intended outcome or goal. If visitors don’t know where to go, or aren’t guided, they’re likely to leave.

Other considerations to get you started.

The areas above are some of the most important reasons for redesigning your website. However, there are a few other things to consider in the decision-making process. For instance, if your current website hosting provider doesn’t provide a safe and secure hosting environment — or if you don’t have safeguards in place for ongoing software updates or email security — then a website redesign can be part of an overall upgrade. Or if your current website platform doesn’t have a robust content management system to allow for flexibility in making changes or additions easily, then it’s time to make a change.

Lastly, does your current website integrate with your CRM? Data your website captures becomes much more accessible and manageable when linked with external software, such as Salesforce. While the subject of integrated third-party CRM software is a topic for another blog, it is extremely important for B2B lead generation and sales efforts so if your website doesn’t allow for it, then what’s stopping you from an upgrade?

If any of these reasons apply to your website, the sooner you get started the better! Contact us to learn how we can help you get your website back on track.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager