

Wisconsin DOJ Sets Record for Drug Take Back Day

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(November 3, 2015…Pewaukee, WI) The Wisconsin Department of Justice, Office of Attorney General Brad Schimel had a record-setting Drug Take Back Day on October 17, 2015, with 44,698 pounds collected and incinerated.  The October 17th collection beat the previous record set in May of 2015 by several thousand pounds, in part due to the DOSE OF REALITY: Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse in Wisconsin campaign that launched one month earlier informing people about the dangers of prescription painkillers and promotion of proper disposal. AFFIRM is proud to work with the DOJ on the DOSE OF REALITY campaign, and was able to engage outdoor advertising partners in donating public service announcements about the October 17th Day in order to help raise awareness of this crucial part of the prevention effort.

Each spring and fall, the DOJ coordinates a statewide collection of unwanted and/or unused prescription drugs with thousands of participating organizations and agencies. Wisconsin residents go to Drug Take Back sites and the drugs that are collected are weighed and taken by semi-truck escorted by armed guards to a special incineration facility out of state. However, residents do not need to wait for a Drug Take Back Day to properly and safely dispose of unused or unwanted prescription drugs – visit https://doseofrealitywi.gov/drug-takeback/find-a-take-back-location/ to find a Drug Take Back location near you.

AFFIRM, formerly Staples Marketing, is a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. We serve local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and have special expertise providing transit, transportation and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit AffirmAgency.com

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Danny Mager