

A Dose of Reality: Wisconsin DOJ Announces New Elder Opiate Abuse Campaign

(Pewaukee, Wis….October 9, 2017) Wisconsin’s Department of Justice has initiated a “Dose of Reality” for Seniors and Caregivers on the risks of misusing opioids and other prescription drugs. This at-risk group has often gone unrepresented in targeted prescription drug abuse education, but with more than 4,000 Wisconsin residents aged 55 or older hospitalized for opioid dependence or prescription opioid poisoning last year, it is clear that steps needed to be taken to ensure proper care and education for this segment of the population.

Wisconsin’s Dose of Reality campaign is designed to fight the opioid epidemic by educating Wisconsinites on the dangers of opiate abuse and addiction and encouraging safe use and disposal of unused prescription opiates. The campaign was launched in September 2015, and has prevention messages for the medical community, coaches, parents, educators and employers. AFFIRM developed the campaign’s creative identity, brand strategy, research and marketing plans to most effectively reach and educate on the dangers of misusing prescription opiates by creating succinct, focused messaging to at-risk segments of the population.

The new, targeted messaging for seniors and caregivers includes information and resources for senior centers and elder healthcare facilities. These educational materials are free to download, and can be accessed at https://doseofrealitywi.gov/program-materials/.

“Each segment of the population affected by the opioid crisis needs messaging that speaks to them,” said Laura Monagle, APR, vice president of client services and public relations for AFFIRM. “While a unified prevention campaign is key, one message does not fit all – so we created DOSE OF REALITY prevention for young Wisconsinites, parents, the medical community, businesses, educators, coaches and now seniors and their caregivers. We want seniors to recognize they can ask for non-narcotic painkiller alternatives, and we want their caregivers to understand the risks of opioid addiction,” Monagle continued. “Professional senior caregivers and facilities can also help to raise awareness of the proper use, safe storage and safe disposal of prescription painkillers. We are proud to continue to support the Wisconsin Department of Justice in this mission to save lives,” she said.

For more information on the Dose of Reality program, or for a complete list of resources available to you or someone close to you, visit https://doseofrealitywi.gov/get-support/.



AFFIRM is a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The agency serves local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and has special expertise providing social marketing, transit, transportation and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit www.AFFIRMAgency.com.

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Danny Mager