
Getting to Know AFFIRM 2.0

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up?

While being a part of this amazing ad agency has connected my co-workers and me for the time being, I wondered if working in advertising was always the dream job of those working around me. So I asked my co-workers to think back to a time when our imaginations were their wildest and share what their dreams were when growing up. I think you’ll be surprised by what your favorite ad agency workers dreamed of being as kids..

Meaghan: For YEARS I had my heart set on being a Radio City Music Hall Rockette, it could have been a possibility had I grown another 2 inches. (Requirement is to be at least 5’6”)

Amy: I wanted to be a personal shopper

Mark: I always wanted to be an architect, and specialize in building houses that resembled medieval castles.

Traci: I’ve always wanted to be a designer, but my first dream job in third grade was to be a Jewelry Designer!

Ryan: A veterinarian

Dena: A teacher. My parents were teachers, so my siblings and I would always play “school” with the number of school supplies we had around the house.

Cathy: A chef *

Karissa: Pick ‘n’ Save grocery girl. That’s not a joke. Thankfully, I now have much bigger hopes and dreams for myself.

Rick: Either a lawyer or a baseball player. So you can clearly see how I ended up in marketing.

Emma: I always wanted to do something creative with writing…or be a Spice Girl.

Danny: To play first base for the New York Yankees

Laura: Growing up, my dream job was to be a jockey, just like Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet.

Steve: A doctor

*Author’s note: While Cathy is the best Media Director around, HER PIES ARE TO DIE FOR

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager