
Getting to Know AFFIRM 2.0

Happy New Year from your friends at AFFIRM!


2017 has been off to a very exciting start for AFFIRM, we’ve got a lot of ideas and a lot of things already in the works! In between all of the awesomeness that we do for our agency, we also have some pretty awesome goals for ourselves. Take a look at what some of us here at AFFIRM are planning to accomplish in 2017:


Meaghan: I’d like to improve my photography skills! My mom was actually kind enough to lend me her fancy camera and I’ve already had so much fun with it, I’m excited! And, as always, TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL (with my mom’s nice camera I pinky-promised I wouldn’t break)

Traci: Improving my overall fitness level. My new gym membership will inspire me to follow through with that!

Karissa: Go somewhere I’ve never been! And get rid of my shopping addiction.. likely not going to happen but a girl can try, right?

Mark: Breaking 90 in golf on a semi-consistent basis. (Ok. Let’s be honest – breaking 100).

Danny: Make the perfect omelette

Amy: I would like to explore new fitness routines like Yoga or Pilates.

Emma: I wish to own a home by the end of 2017…or be dang close!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager