
Getting to Know AFFIRM 2.0

The Holiday season is just around the corner and it’s hard not to love this time of year. With all of the food, holiday parties, decorations, music, holiday cheer, and presents (we all love ‘em) what isn’t there to love??

In the midst of all of this holiday madness, I think it’s important to note that there is something much deeper that keeps our spirits so high this time of year  – the traditions we have with our family and loved ones. These are the things that we look forward to every year and bring us together with the ones that mean the most to us. So in this addition of ‘Getting to Know AFFIRM 2.0’, I’ve asked my co-workers to tell me about their favorite holiday traditions:

Meaghan: Every year, a few days before Christmas, my family gets together and makes 100 “Golf Balls” (A.K.A chocolate covered deliciousness) – no more, no less! It’s a family tradition we have had ever since I can remember, and it’s one of the few times we can all get together, goof around, and of course, eat lots of yummy treats.

Karissa: Baking Christmas cookies with my family! (Eating them is almost just as wonderful, yummmmm.)

Mark: Finding and cutting down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving with my in-laws in Oostburg. We then haul it home and let the kids decorate it (and fight over who gets to hang the star).

Ryan: Buzzed up Secret Santa at midnight, with a cocktail of course!

Danny: Watching classic black & white version of A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve with the family.

Traci: We have an Advent calendar with filled with candy (mostly leftover from Halloween). Aiden gets a thrill every day until Christmas!

Amy: Eating Chinese Food and watching Christmas movies

Emma: Well, nowadays mostly just family togetherness! Also, my parents got these Troll stockings for my sister and I when we were little. Remember the 90’s when those Troll dolls were all the rage!? People always think they’re super creepy, but it just wouldn’t be Christmas without them! (See photo reference)


Steve: Going to see the Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol or other Holiday event downtown with family.

Dena: Waking up super early (as a kid) on Christmas morning to open presents!

Paula: Our family always rings bells for the Salvation Army on Christmas Eve.  We’ve been doing this for years and it’s fun to see how generous people are especially on Christmas Eve.

Laura: Our traditions include: hosting Christmas Day dinner for upwards of 20-25 family members and then watching holiday movies the day after from the couch while recovering from hosting said dinner.

Cathy: It sounds corny, but I think it’s just that we’re all together for that one day and we can sit and enjoy the decorations, the hot buttered rum and each other.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager