
Getting Media Coverage During a Slow News Cycle

While everyone is busy with holiday preparations, budgeting for 2017, end of year reports and spreadsheets, don’t forget that December is a great month to offer story ideas and content in order to get some earned media. Generally, December is a slower news month, and our reporter and journalist friends may be more open to news and content that they might not consider when there is more breaking news to be had. That doesn’t mean you should ignore best PR practices, however. You still need to offer something newsworthy, relevant and interesting. December is a great month to offer the following types of content:

Tips and Trends: these are usually tips, how-to’s, guidance from your industry that are always relevant, or are always important to remember. Examples: Five Easy Ways to Incorporate Wellness into Your Benefits; How to Plan for ADA Compliance on Your Website; How Internal Communications Impacts Sales Success

End of Year or Beginning of Next Year stories: what are helpful hints for readers/listeners/viewers as the current year winds down or the new one begins? Examples: Five Tax Implications for Your Business in 2017; Make a Marketing a Priority for the New Year – Here’s How; Wrap Up Your Year With An Annual Report

Lists: every department at every outlet seems to put together their top ten lists; try putting together one of your own for your industry and send them to your trade media outlets. Examples: Top 10 New Materials in Auto Manufacturing; Top 10 Safety Regulations to Watch; Five Predictions in Health Care That Did Not Happen in 2016

Make sure you are sending your ideas to the right media contact, and give them a few days to respond before you call or email again to check in. More tips for building relationships with reporters will be coming to this blog soon!



Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager