
AFFIRM Tips for Working Remotely

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, almost all of us, including the AFFIRM team, are finding ourselves working at home.  Many of us do different kinds of remote work and each employee has their own unique situation, however, we all face the same core issues.

While there are many companies that have been offering work from home as an option for some time, if you are new to working remotely, here are some tips from AFFIRM to keep you on schedule and help optimize your work hours.  

Create a dedicated space.

You might not have a lot of extra room in your home or apartment to create a remote office space. So, a great place to consider is the corner of your dining room or living room. Consider using a privacy screen or a trellis screen to mark off your area.  If you’re in a studio or one-bedroom apartment and need to wall off an area, a room divider is a great way to create different spaces

Establish a schedule.

Just like your office job has regular hours, so does your remote job.

Set a schedule and stick with it. If you have clear guidelines with your working hours, you are more likely to find a work-life balance.  With that in mind, you’ll need to adjust your expectations to extending your day, starting early, or accommodate another person’s time zone.

Set expectations.

Set expectations early on for your roommates, family, and loved ones. Just because you are home and available to get deliveries inside or to take the dog out for a walk, doesn’t mean you should. Set guidelines for children so they know ahead of time not to interrupt your work, setting clear directions as to what they can or cannot do during this time

Duplicate your office feel.

While your work set-up looks different, this doesn’t mean that office experience must change. Begin the day and end it the same time you would at the office. Take your lunch and other breaks around the same time you do at your workplace.

If you feel you’ll work best by duplicating your office set up, ask your employer for help. Many employers are willing to lend extra monitors, cables, and office equipment to remote workers if requested. Remember, your company wants you to be productive! Ask your employer if there is additional gear in the office. You’ll be surprised at how much might be in storage at the workplace.

Give yourself a break.

Know what the break and lunch expectations are with your company and then stick to that schedule. The more you mimic your work settings, the more productive you are.  

Stay Connected.

At AFFIRM, we stay connected with each other through Microsoft Teams using Office365 whether it’s for our Daily AFFIRMATION morning meeting, individual project meetings or one-on-one office communications. This allows us to stay on top of our list of ongoing projects, as well as regularly check-in with each other.  

Don’t be a Pajama Person.

While you may be tempted to dress super casually, there is something about getting “office dressed” that sets the tone to “work mode.” Note: you don’t have to look as formal as you do at work; casual dress works just as long as you know you are in work mode. Give yourself a sense of being in your home office.

Self-Care and Ergonomics.

Are you working from an overstuffed chair? Find a seat that supports your back. Here’s a chair that has worked for some of us remote workers at AFFIRM, not very expensive, providing structure.

Also, consider getting yourself a laptop stand. Even if you anticipate working from home for a short period, it is worth the small expense.

Finally, set up a left to right workflow and keep your desk free of distractions. Here’s some tips on how to do this on setting up your desk for productivity and ergonomics.

AFFIRM works with a number of Transportation Demand Management clients that have a mission to help people find alternatives to driving to work alone. Working remotely and telecommuting have always been part of this, along with carpooling, vanpooling, biking, walking and using transit. During the Covid-19 pandemic, telecommuting has moved up to the top priority.

If you have any questions about remote working or need any marketing support during this time, please email info@affirmagency.com


Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager