

Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center Launches Wil-Power Capital Campaign

(Pewaukee, Wis….August 27, 2018) The Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, located in the Williamson-Marquette neighborhood in Madison, has launched its Wil-Power Capital Campaign to seek support for its building renovations.

The Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, “A Place for All People,” is a popular, inclusive community center that has provided diverse programming since 1968 for people in need. Wil-Mar’s year-round programming includes child-care, summer youth camps and employment programs, emergency food services, nutritious community meals, cultural movement programs, and wellness and fitness programs targeted at seniors and children. Wil-Mar also produces beloved community festivals such as Fete de Marquette that are attended by tens of thousands of Madison area residents.

AFFIRM helped to develop the campaign’s creative theme, brand identity, and marketing and outreach elements. The Wil-Power campaign will help to support the renovations of the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, which will include:

  • Repair and strengthen the building’s foundation, including fixing current water damage, and repair the grading to prevent future water damage;
  • Refurbish the building interior: install new carpeting, paint all rooms, wall patch and repair, and install energy-efficient windows;
  • Complete energy-efficient revamp of the HVAC system;
  • Install a new wood floor in the large gathering space;
  • Install energy-efficient appliances in both kitchens;
  • Update to the electrical and plumbing systems.

“I’ve lived in the Marquette neighborhood for more than 30 years,” said AFFIRM President Danny Mager. “So I jumped at the chance to have AFFIRM help Wil-Mar on its capital campaign since I know how vital they are to our community in Madison!”

To show your Wil-Power, go to https://www.wil-mar.org/power/.

AFFIRM is a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The agency serves local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and has special expertise providing social marketing, transit, transportation and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit www.AFFIRMAgency.com.


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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager