
Learn to Laugh a Little

Some of the best advertising done involves humor. Nothing gets people talking like a clever advertisement that makes you laugh. One recent commercial that comes to mind is done by Taco Bell, for their new breakfast menu. Various men across the country try the new breakfast items, all sporting the name “Ronald McDonald.” Get it? Ronald McDonald loves Taco Bell breakfast?! Great stuff.

Taco Bell’s twitter account is pretty hilarious too; if you’ve got some time to kill, check out @TacoBell.

And which Super Bowl commercials generate the most buzz? The ones that make us laugh out loud. People want to find things that make them laugh, so why not provide this while promoting your product? It’s a win, win.

There seems to be a barrage of inspirational, tear jerker advertisements out there right now. While these advertisements have their place, all the stock nature videos or scientists working hard on curing the world of its ills, can start to blend together.

I don’t know about you, but I won’t be sharing the ad of the business people talking at a round table, on any social media accounts of mine. But I did send the Taco Bell commercial via Google chat to a group of friends.


So, when given the opportunity, it usually bodes well to lighten up and learn to laugh a little.


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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager