
Fun in the Sun – Marketing Opportunities in the Summer

Summer is (finally) here! It’s time for street festivals, outdoor concerts, farmers markets, and some new opportunities to market your business!

This summer, consider taking part in events in your local community. They are wonderful opportunities to engage a large number of potential customers in a short amount of time.

Here are three tips to make your summer experiential marketing a success:

1. Choose your summer event wisely

You have limited time and resources, so make sure you choose an event that supports your marketing objectives. Do you want to reach parents and families? Try a festival or farmers market. Do you want to attract adults? Go to a concert or art fair. Are you a B2B company? Skip the outdoor events and opt for expos and conventions. No matter your business goals, make sure you pick the event where you can best engage your target consumers.

2. Draw them in

There’s a lot of fun displays and activities competing for your customers’ attention at summer events. Give them a reason to stop by your table by creating an experience they’ll remember. Try offering free items or food. Organize a raffle or give away coupons. Or maybe some fun decorations will do the trick. Keep it interesting and people will notice!

3. Engage

When people do stop by your table, don’t just stand there—talk to them! Ask them how they are enjoying the event and tell them about your business or product. Think about your takeaway—what do you want them to know about your organization? If you are not going to work the event, pick staff members who have strong social skills, energy, positivity, and a strong knowledge of your company’s vision.

Use these three tips and your summer event marketing will make a splash!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager