
Collaborate and Learn!

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One of our Core Values is that we are OPENLY COLLABORATIVE. It’s a great way to be. We work well as a team, both with our coworkers and with our clients, and it leads to the best results for everyone.

To get a better understanding of this particular Core Value, I did some research on the notion of collaboration. While an excellent finished product is what our team always strives to create, by collaborating the way we do we are actually creating other positive results, as well!

We pride ourselves on having a well-seasoned staff of media professionals, but in everything we do we are still always learning and always developing our skills. The concept of collaborative learning is one that you’ll find in hundreds of scholarly journal articles, and while the findings might vary a little, most studies show similar benefits related to learning as a team.

Collaborative learning promotes better social interaction and overall communication between people. It creates an appreciation for other points of view, other talents and other learning styles. Critical thinking, positivity, diversity, responsibility, exploration and support are all positive side effects of collaboration.

Taking a step back, one could say that OPENLY COLLABORATIVE is at the core of our Core Values. What I mean is, by being collaborative within our team and with our clients, we are constantly developing our inclinations to be ALWAYS RESPONSIVE, EXTREMELY RELIABLE, AMAZINGLY RESOURCEFUL, EXCEPTIONALLY ADAPTABLE, ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE and INSPIRED FUN.  It helps those we work with to live out those values, as well.

If you’re interested in collaborating on a project or campaign for the coming year, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re always interested in partnering with new people and developing new ideas!

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager