
Advertising During a Political Year

With the looming presidential election this November, advertising agencies are feeling the pressure to secure ad space for clients. During election years, presidential candidates flood advertising media with ads, causing ad space demand and price to skyrocket. For this reason, it’s crucial for agencies to plan and strategize with their clients. Many ads, especially those on TV, get bumped during election season and are replaced with political ads. So, agencies must strategically place media to be sure clients’ messages are seen and heard. This is particularly important in “battleground states” where candidates trying to win over constituents and therefore dedicate a large amount of campaign funds to advertising.

Here are a few tips to ensure your ads are seen and heard during an election year:

  • Decide early. The sooner a strategy is determined and media is approved and placed, the better. Early placement leads to lower rates and will decrease the chances of ads being bumped.
  • Devise a Plan B. Agencies should plan and strategize an alternate plan should political media prevent their chosen plan from being fully executed.
  • Be creative. During an election year, the public is bombarded with a TON of media, so it’s important your messaging is extremely memorable and eye-catching.

If you’re hoping to advertise yet this year, we’re happy to help. Our media team is some of the Midwest’s best and will work to be sure your message effectively reaches your audiences.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager