
The Unofficial Mascot

Source: www.twitter/BrewersHank

Have you heard about Hank? If not, where have you been? Hank has become a household name when discussing the Milwaukee Brewers in any aspect. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Hank, here is a short backstory: Hank, believed to be a Bichon-Frise mixed breed, wandered onto the Brewers spring training facility in Arizona during spring training. He has since become the new “unofficial mascot”.

This season, the Brewers have been integrating Hank into a lot of their advertising and promotions. So far, Hank:
– Has his own baseball jersey…K-9 (get it?)
– Will have his own bobble head given out to fans later this season
– Makes his appearance in his dog house at home games
– Regularly is featured via the Brewers social media platforms and onsite promotional events
– Even made an appearance running in the famous Racing Sausage event during a game.

What’s next for Hank? Will we see him in print ads and TV? Will we hear his bark on the radio? Like all good marketers, the Brewers recognized the power of Hank’s story to connect with existing fans, attract new fans, and highlight the charitable nature of the Brewers organization. Are there stories to tell in your company or organization that have the power to motivate and engage your audiences and customers? If so, make sure you are sharing them, not only through word of mouth, but through your other marketing tactics as well. The power of Hank is a good example to follow.

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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager