
Fall Season – Part 2

Fox6So, back to the upfronts…this time on Fox, or as it’s locally known, Fox6. Fox is going to do more new shows and fewer reruns which in TV terms means that there will be a fall season and then another set of new shows will be introduced in mid-season. Cable has been following this strategy successfully for many years and it’s being picked up by many of the networks.

Fox’s returning shows include Brooklyn Nine Nine, New Girl, Empire & Bones. Their two predicted hits are The Exorcist, which will air on Friday evenings – a good night for demonic possession stories! Social media buzz gives it a decent chance of sticking around. I’m going to have to take their word for it – not going to be on my watch list. I probably will be watching Pitch, a story of the first woman to make it to the major leagues. This will be introduced at the end of the baseball season. Buzz isn’t as good, but the trailer made me want to watch it. I may also be convinced to watch Lethal Weapon. I don’t know why, not usually my thing, but again, the trailer got me hooked. This takes us to January and the lead-up to the Super Bowl, which this year will be on Fox. Which of the mid-season shows will be launched after the Super Bowl is still anyone’s guess – this prime spot almost ensures a large audience for that show. One candidate, a show with good buzz, is Star which will tell the story of three talented singers trying to navigate the music business. Queen Latifah, Benjamin Bratt and Lenny Kravitz head up a cast of newcomers and the show will feature original music. This will start running when established hit Empire goes on hiatus.

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Danny Mager