
4 Tips for Planning Your Next Event

Successful events take more than just implementation. They require coordination, communication, and plenty of time! Here are four tips to help you get started with the event planning process for your organization:

  • Create a strategy – Start by understanding the big picture. What’s the goal of your event? Who are you trying to reach? What messages resonates with that audience? How do you want to measure success? Having a vision in mind helps to determine the necessary steps to get there.
  • Know your limits – While the overarching goal is to create a great event, it’s also important to know what’s most realistic for you and your organization. What’s your budget? Will there be enough time to get things done? Make a list and prioritize what you’ll need.
  • Know the details – Events are all about the little details! From the venue, to the program, food and drinks, light and sound, and small giveaway items…all of it matters. Be sure to set expectations for those involved and communicate with your partners and vendors to ensure nothing is being overlooked.
  • Invite! – Inviting guests is the most important part of the planning process. Give potential attendees a reason to go and consider the best way to bring about awareness. Is a Facebook event necessary? An official hashtag? Sending a mailer invitation? Make these decisions in advance as you’ll want enough time to get the word out!

Have an event coming up? We’d love to help you plan (for success [icon name=”smile-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]).

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager