

Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce to Work With AFFIRM

(Pewaukee, Wis…January 30, 2020) Pewaukee-based agency AFFIRM will work with the Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce on a new initiative in 2020 to help reposition the organization. The Chamber which is led by local businessman, Derek Miller started working with AFFIRM in late 2019 on several small projects. The Pewaukee Chamber was founded in 1948 and is currently working on a new vision for its members to be unveiled in late spring that AFFIRM will be assisting on. The Chamber will continue to host various events including the annual Community Awards Gala and will be introducing several new activities including monthly roundtable meetings and focus groups.

After being known as Staples Marketing for 30 years, AFFIRM rebranded themselves in 2015. The agency has extensive experience in projects involving rebranding and positioning organizations both in the private and public sectors. Miller, who is the Executive Director of the Chamber, has presented several new initiatives to the Chamber board of directors that are focused on the area of personal development and the impact it can have on business development. The changes will be reflected on the organization’s website and across all communications with the goal of adding more value for existing members as well as growing the membership base. The initial project is targeted for completion during the second quarter of 2020.


For more information on the Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce please visit, https://www.pewaukeechamber.org/.


AFFIRMis a full-service marketing communications agency with headquarters in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. The agency serves local, regional and national clients in Business-to-Business and Consumer markets and has special expertise providing social marketing, transit, transportation, and health benefits marketing and communications. For more information, call 262-650-9900, or visit https://affirmagency.com/





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Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager