
Should Your Business Be Tweeting?

How Twitter can help you reach your target audience and customers

Think of your website as the face of your business, and social media as your voice…if you put it into perspective in this way, it is easy to see why it’s important to generate content on social media to help drive your business. But where to start with social media content creation? How about one of the most utilized social networks for business… by learning more about the dos and don’ts of navigating Twitter!

Do: Make sure you’re always ‘home’

Twitter is a way to have your business “always open,” whenever a customer has a question or comment, Twitter is a direct line to your customer service whether it’s 10pm or 5am. Obviously, you’re probably not going to be engaging with customers at midnight, but that doesn’t mean those tweets directed to your company should go unanswered. Hop on Twitter daily and engage with customers. Which leads us to our next tip…

Do: Engage. Educate. Sell.

You’re a business, and at the end of the day you need to sell. Whether you’re selling a product or a service, you rely on making a sale to make a profit. While consumers understand that you’re in the business of selling your business, don’t make it your number one priority. Twitter is for engagement and education, having conversations, networking, and making relationships with your followers. Educating your audience is just as important as being responsive to inquiries. Show them why you’re the best, why your company stands out from the competition, or maybe even why they would ever need your service to begin with – without being too sales-focused. Give your followers (and potential customers) insight into the business, prove that you’re a leader and up on the latest trends in your industry. And finally, after you’ve successfully educated and engaged with your followers, you get to sell. Let your followers know about your offerings, so even if they are not in the position to make a purchase, you’ll be on the top of their mind when they do need you!

Think of your Twitter priorities as:

  1. Engaging with followers and customers/businesses
  2. Educating your followers and customers about your industry
  3. Selling your product or service to your followers and customers

Don’t: Think that Twitter is Dead

Don’t buy into the sad image of the Twitter bird on it’s back with the caption “TWITTER IS DEAD,” they’re wrong. Twitter is still highly utilized by over 67 MILLION USERS. The issue is, organic reach of Twitter isn’t always as high as other platforms like Facebook and Instagram, but don’t let that get you down. People go to Twitter for news and brand updates, unlike Facebook and Instagram where people are more apt to comment on somebody’s personal posts. This gives companies the ability to control their own narrative.  What’s your business’s Social Media voice? Informative, funny or even snarky (think @Wendy’s), potential consumers want to follow interesting, entertaining accounts to hear what’s going on in your world with your brand. Take advantage of that!

Don’t: Create a Twitter if you don’t have time to Tweet

“This year we’re going to get on social media,” said nearly every business ever. Yes, social media is extremely important, and you’ve heard that you should be on Twitter, but if you don’t have the time to tweet, it hurts more than it helps.  Imagine you see a new coffee shop on your street and you get so excited! The coffee shop is shiny and new, it promises to deliver the freshest roast, a welcoming atmosphere and the most skilled baristas. And then it’s never open. Literally, you walk by it every day and the lights are on, but it’s not serving customers. Eventually, you stop looking into the windows and walk by, rendering this coffee shop useless. This is your Twitter account; you have one and it started out with a few great articles and news pieces from your company and next thing you know you’ve been silent for 2 years. If someone wants to follow your brand, it’s because they want to hear from you, and the only way people are going to find, follow, and engage with you is if you tweet. You control your success. If you do it, do it well.

You’re onboard with Twitter! Now what?

Need help with Twitter or in determining your social media strategy? AFFIRM would love to assist! Our social media team has experience running campaigns for a wide variety of organizations. No matter the industry, social media should be used to reach your audience and provide value in ways that matter to them. Whether you’re just starting your social media presence, or looking to improve on an already sizable following, we’ll make sure social media is a strength, not an afterthought.

Let’s talk!

Contact our President, Danny Mager to learn how we can deliver results for your organization. No matter where you're at in your decision-making process, we can help you get the ball rolling.


Danny Mager